PKU in the morning . . . (Sept. 2016)
September 15 is a national holiday--the mid-autumn festival--so we didn't have any classes today (the festival is often called the "moon festival," "harvest moon festival," etc.) I've been getting into a routine of walking in the mornings with my new walking buddies, Marilyn and Kathy. This morning was BEAUTIFUL!! (clear air--for China that is, blue skies, and quiet streets, due to the fact that it is a holiday). I've decided that 6 a.m. holiday walking is for me!! We walked around PKU campus and down to the Old Summer Palace, a UNESCO site that is only about a mile down the street from the university. Parts of the university sit on the site of this old summer palace and gardens--beautiful, beautiful! (you'd love this, Debbie)

These are some of the older, original buildings on campus.
The library at Peking University is the largest library in China. Actually, this front image doesn't do it justice. The library is about one city block in length, all four stories of it (and probably some underground--I haven't been all through it). The building Brigg and I teach in is directly across from the library.

I think it says "Keep off the grass"??? Anyway, we kept off the grass! Click on the following pictures for some more images of the grounds--breathtaking!! Some of the older trees date back over 100 years to the original campus -- need to be propped up!
The following art-filled walkway leads to the most charming teahouse/restaurant right in the middle of campus! The ground level of the building is a classroom/meeting room.
Outside the West Gate, we walked along the west wall of campus and then along the north wall/canal until we reached the Old Summer Palace. We'll have to save that tour for another day . . .
On the way back to our apartment, I practiced my limited Chinese by greeting a cute old woman who was working in a garden plot along the street. I guess I fooled her, because she jumped up and began chatting away in very rapid Chinese--I have no idea what she said! We made it back to the courtyard near our apartment in time for Tai Chi--EVERY morning, with music, props, and dancing!
Oh -- I almost forgot -- the Mid-autumn Festival is all about feasting and mooncakes! We went out to dinner last night with a big group and were given gifts of noodles and mooncakes. We are going to another dinner tonight. Mooncakes and mooncakes . . . (and duck) . . .